



User Research

Business Strategy • User needs • Information Architecture • Journey Map • Service Blueprint • Interviews • Usability • AB Testing • Competitor Analysis

User research can be injected into a project at any point but is almost always (to some degree) used as the foundation for every engagement I'll embark on. The most important points to consider for me and my team is simply: do we understand what we've been asked to do, why we're doing it and, where do we want to be?
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Design Sprints• Ideation • Design Thinking • Consultation • Planning • Retros • Team Health

Workshops are a series of guided exercises and talking points designed to gather information, ideate or gain consensus efficiently (often from Sr. stakeholders) about where we want the project or strategy to be. There is an art to how a high-pressure period of time should be designed. Achieving results remotely across distributed teams has become something of a speciality of mine.



Information Architecture • Interaction Design • Usability Testing • Content Strategy • Development Schema

Wireframes act as the architect's blueprint for a digital product. They can be a quick and easy way to show an idea... or the culmination of huge discovery initiatives and research to inform the exact order and functionality of a critical journey. In either case, you cannot underestimate the power of simple grey boxes. If it looks simple, it's a job well done.
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Visual Design (UI)

Figma • Adobe XD • Axure • Sketch • Abstract • Principle • Webflow

I've plenty of experience with a number of design tools (Figma included) producing designs at high, medium and low fidelity... but what makes a great design isn't the tool, but the imagination and fundamental skills to use them well.
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Motion Design • Micro interactions • Transitions • Animation • Lottie

Whether showing stakeholders how a design should move, testing quickly with real users or tee'ing up the development team with the exact triggers, feedback, loops and modes... breathing life into static designs is an art form that requires knowledge of movement, design, usability and code.
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Design System

Atomic Design • Design Tokens • Rebrand • Content Audit • Site Migration • Team Adoption

Design Systems should be, above all else, useful. I've worked on some of the most comprehensive in the world. A design system should be not only valuable for the design team but with design tokens for developers, guides for content creators, checks for migration pages & accountability. A design system should make life easier for all teams on the project where possible.
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